If you’re walking on Isaac’s Tea Trail in the North Pennines and you come across a man with a paint pot refreshing the colour of a marker post, or replacing a waymarker or clearing overgrown vegetation from the path it will probably be Roger Morris.

Roger created Isaac’s Tea Trail.  He had the idea, he devised the 37-mile route, and wrote a guide book highlighting locations associated with Victorian tea pedlar and fundraiser Isaac Holden along with details of many other historic gems.

To mark the 21st anniversary of the Tea Trail, Roger and I have recorded a conversation about his achievements and the joys of the North Pennines, filmed and edited by a friend.

There’s more information about Isaac’s Tea Trail at https://isaacs-tea-trail.co.uk/

and https://www.northpennines.org.uk/location/isaacs-tea-trail/

You can follow me on Twitter @isaacsfootsteps

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